Patch 9.2.5 Guida alla sopravvivenza - Tutto in arrivo nell'aggiornamento del mondo di Warcraft - Notizie

We have a survival guide for Patch 9.2.5 with everything coming in the latest Shadowlands update. Controlla!

Everything Coming in Patch 9.2.5

Class Changes

Even though the update doesn't primarily focus on class changes, we have some minor ones worth checking out.

Cavaliere della Morte

PvP Talents

  • Dome of Ancient Shadow has been removed.



  • Kill Command - Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal [ 153.1% 159% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to the enemy.

Beast Mastery

  • Bestial Wrath - Sends you and your pet into a rage, instantly dealing [ 77.1% 80.1% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to its target, and increasing all damage you both deal by 25% for 15 sec. Removes Fear and Horrify all crowd control effects from your pet.
  • Bloodshed (Level 50 talent) - Command your pet to tear into your target, causing your target to bleed for [ 178% 184.9% of Attack Power ] over 18 sec and increase all damage taken from your pet by 15% for 18 sec.

Legendary Powers

  • Wildfire Cluster - Wildfire Bomb drops an additional cluster of bombs around the target, each exploding for [ 33% of Attack Power ] Fire damage. Damage is reduced beyond 8 targets.


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  • Windwalker Monk (Spec Aura) - All damage and healing increased by 4%.


PvP Talents

  • Divine Favor - Your next Holy Light or Flash of Light is increased by 50% 40%, casts 30% faster, and is unable to be interrupted.


PvP Talents

  • Miracle Worker - Holy Word: Serenity now has 2 charges and a 20% 10% reduced cooldown.


Legendary Powers

  • Implosive Potential - Implosion grants 1% haste for 12 sec for each Imp exploded. When this damages at least 3 targets, instead gain 5% haste per Imp. A maximum of 15 exploded Imps can grant this benefit.

PvP Talents

  • Demon Armor has been removed.
  • Shadowfall (New PvP Talent) added. Gain the Nightfall talent with 100% increased chance to gain its effect. If you already have this talent, you may select another in the same row.

Cross-Faction Gameplay

In Patch 9.2.5 you can engage in certain types of content with the opposite faction. This includes Mythic Dungeons, Rated PvP, Raids, and Legacy raids.

  • You can't do outdoor world content and matchmaking activities (LFR or Normal/Heroic dungeons, Random Battlegrounds, Arena Skirmishes) with players of the opposite faction.
  • Guilds will remain single faction.
  • Communities can be cross-faction and they act like guilds.
  • You cannot walk up to a player of the opposite faction and invite them. You must be members of the same cross-faction community, friends, or the person must be listed in the premade Group Finder tool.
  • The system comes with some restrictions that you will find here.

New Race-Specific Questlines

Dark Iron Dwarves at Level 50 who completed their Heritage Armor questline can embark on a new quest to earn a mount and Heritage Weapons. The weapons can be used for transmog without any restrictions. Here's Grimhowl, the mount you can get.

Blood Elves Exalted with Silvermoon City can start a new questline in Oribos that rewards a Green Hawkstrider mount and a polearm (Veil-Touched Ranseur).

Blood Elf Paladins will additionally gain a Blood Knight armor set.

New Enigma Arena

The Zereth Mortis Arena will become available in the Patch 9.2.5 update.

Encrypted Content

Blizzard stepped up the game with encryption in Patch 9.2.5. There's a ton of encrypted content related to Brill, Lordaeron, Calia Menethil, and the Forsaken in the new patch.

  • One of the splash screens is encrypted in Patch 9.2.5.
  • There's a rumor of an Allied Race coming as a Dragonflight pre-order bonus circulating in the community. The theory points toward Darkfallen, which are Night Elves and Blood Elves with reddish eyes.
  • There's a new questline taking place in Tirisfal Glades. A new minimap, suggesting Brill will be remade. The map of Lordaeron refers to the post-blight stage.
  • Brill got a new flight path in 9.2.5.
  • We know the encrypted Lordaeron content has something to do with Calia Menethil. One quest named Eyes of the Wolf wasn't encrypted. Still, it doesn't give much away.
  • There is an encrypted armor set.
  • Patch 9.2.5 could be the new standard when it comes to hiding content until the update hits live servers.

Torghast Wings Availability

Torghast will have all its wings open in Patch 9.2.5. They will no longer be on a rotation.

New Stay Awhile and Listen Conversations

We have two endgame gossip dialogues available in 9.2.5. The first one's between Jaina and Khadgar.

The second dialogue is available between Taelia and Bolvar Fordragon.

Updated Reporting Tools

Lo strumento report Player è stato aggiornato nella patch 9.2.5. Abbiamo coperto le modifiche in un post separato. Ecco un'anteprima della nuova interfaccia utente del rapporto.

Contratto sociale in World of Warcraft

Il contratto sociale è una nuova politica che devi accettare prima di giocare a World of Warcraft o lasciare il gioco. Sta anche arrivando a Wrath Classic.

Aggiornato l'animazione del monte lupino volante

Il brufolo di Heartbond sta ottenendo una nuovissima animazione volante in Patch 9.2.5.

Aggiornamenti a Stormwind e Orgrimmar

Stormwind e Orgrimar sono stati aggiornati con nuove aree stabili e il loro scopo è ancora sconosciuto.

Miglioramenti di recupero di fama

  • Il marchio del broker di distinzione aumenterà la fama del tuo alleanza attiva a 60 (rispetto a 40).
  • Il recupero di fama è accelerato attraverso la fama 60 (era 48).
  • Guadagnerai 1 fama dalle seguenti attività nella patch 9.2.5: mitici e mitici+ sotterranei, strati Torghast 9-16, sconfiggendo i boss del raid di Shadowlands e vincendo campi di battaglia valutati.

Nuovi portali Oribos

In preparazione alla stagione 4 di Shadowlands, Blizzard sta aggiungendo nuovi portali a Oribos per rendere più facile per i giocatori raggiungere le nuove sedi di Dungeon.

Miglioramenti di livellamento leggendari

Livellare gli articoli di base per i leggendari diventerà molto più facile nella patch 9.2.5! L'esperienza necessaria per raggiungere i ranghi di articoli di base più elevati è stata drasticamente ridotta per consentire a più giocatori di impegnarsi nel sistema in ritardo nell'espansione.

_ Prendono solo 3 mestieri per rango per raggiungere il rango di elemento di base successivo nella patch 9.2.5_

Questo articolo è stato parzialmente ispirato dal video di MRGM collegato di seguito. Il post contiene alcune informazioni non presenti nel video. Fammi sapere nei commenti in basso se manca qualcos'altro!


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